During the world famous festival World Music Contest 2013, Kerkrade (NL) the Symphonic Wind Orchestra “Banda de Lalín” was invited to perform for an exited audience. The central theme of the concert was the spanish zarzuela, music full of temperament, emotion and passion. The first part of the concert included arrangements for windband, soprano and tenor, specially made for this event by the Dutch musician
Marcel van Bree. Solo roles were performed by
Pilar Moráguez (soprano) and
Carlos Silva (tenor). With this performance and selections of this live recording Banda de Lalin intend to make one of their contributions to the Spanish music, resulting from many years of hard work, dedication and perseverance to their passion, that is music.
La vida breve: Interludio y Danza (Manuel de Falla, Trans. Marcel van Bree);
Las hijas del Zebedeo: Carceleras (Ruperto Chapí, Trans. Marcel van Bree);
La revoltosa: Dúo de Felipe y Mari Pepa (Ruperto Chapí, Trans. Marcel van Bree);
La tabernera del puerto: No puede ser (Pablo Sorozábal, Trans. Marcel van Bree);
El gato montés: Highlights from the Opera (Manuel Penella, Trans. Marcel van Bree);
Granada Trompeta solista: Esteban Batallán (Agustín Lara, Trans. Esteban Batallán);
¡Viva Navarra!: Jota de concierto (Joaquín Larregla);
La boda de Luis Alonso: Intermedio (Gerónimo Giménez);
Ponteareas: Pasodoble (Reveriano Soutullo);
Ballet Estancia: Danza fi nal ‘Malambo’ (Alberto Ginastera);
A Pepa y Mozos do Penedo: Muiñeiras populares (Xosé Oro Val)